Mini pizza tarts

November 5, 2010 § 17 Comments

Half of my CSN order came in this week, so I tested out some of my new tools. Since I’ve been making too many sweet, buttery tarts these days, I decided to make something savoury and somewhat healthy, or less fatty I should say… So, this is a mini pizza tart, with the inspiration being a Chicago deep-dish style pizza.

multigrain biscuit dough base

Instead of the butter-heavy tart dough, I used a multigrain pancake mix to whip up a biscuit dough as the base.

topped w. a layer of homemade bruschetta

I then added a layer of homemade bruschetta and topped it all off w. shredded mozzarella and finely chopped mushrooms.

final product

I know I’ve been a bit lax with the posting. I’ve been making tons of stuff, but have just fallen out of the habit of photographing and chatting up the ideas. I just have my head in other things at the moment, and am hoping to be back at it soon.

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